The LECO C230 Carbon Determinator is a microprocessor based, software driven instrument for measurement of carbon and sulphur content in metals, ores,Leco CS2320 ceramics and other inorganic materials. The C230 uses an induction furnace and measures carbon by infrared absorption.

The infrared (IR) source consists of nichrome wire that is resistance-heated to 8500C. The IR source radiates visible energy as well as all wavelengths in the infrared spectrum. The description may use carbon dioxide; the same principle applies to sulfur detection. Carbon dioxide absorbs IR energy at a precise wavelength within the IR spectrum. Energy from IR source is absorbed as the gas passes through the cell, preventing it from reaching the IR detector. One IR cell is used both as a reference and for measurement. The total carbon, as carbon dioxide, is detected on a continuous and simultaneous basis. The starting reference level, or baseline, for the detector is established by running oxygen through the cell to drive off residual atmospheric gases.